Dave SmithWhite Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Song: Channeling Joe (Smith) Or The New Messiah

I got a blog the other day,
But it came from a different place.
It claimed to be from the son of god,
Who lived in outer space!

Song: Take Off Your Hat!

Take off your hat! Off with them coats!
You can't be too formal when sowing your oats.
Take off your hat! Take off your shoes.
Give me a smoke and I'll break out the booze.

Too Big To Fail?

Did I see the sun, retrace it's steps,
From noontime back to morning?
Did it rise triumphant, from the west,
And trump mere physics, scorning?

The Future Remembered

When I say, I remember the future,
As a play of imaginary cast;
I'll tailor and dress it to suit ya,
With the latest full cloth from the past.

Song: Miss Anne Thrope And Her Mission

At my School of Christian Hope,
I detest the foreign pope;
And scrub the lye of virtue on my girls.
With their filthy catholic habits,

The Ballad Of Shylock (Part One)

My name is Shylock Jones. I speak in undertones.
And dabble at forensic arts and the phrenology of bones.
My work's not widely known and so in secret can be honed
To a unique, commercial asset, that I possess alone.

Song: The Promise Of Arthur ('Arfur')

As English as the Noble Game,
Australian Coin was Struck.
And minted new as national fame,
For Arfur Sleep had luck.

Song: The Sydney Argus Ace Reporter

As a paid newshound or snoop,
My name is I B Croupe.
The Sydney Argus Ace Reporter.
I send my willing troops,

The Ballad Of Miss Ogden-Nest

Miss Ogden-Nest, is one the best
Theatrical Ladies, to visit this town.
Miss Ogden-Nest lives life with a zest;
Her bounty paraded to pare the world down.

The Ballad Of Shylock (Part Two)

Beware of fakes or clones, for my name is Shylock Jones.
The best detective England can produce.
My name is Shylock Jones, who'd see evil overthrown;
It's collective head suspended by a noose!

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