david e golledge

david e golledge Poems

A butterfly beats it’s wings
and a gentle zephyr,
rising over half a world,
brings the tsunami

Just what exactly
do I have to do?

Not by way of apology

She raised the steaming carton to her pout,
full lips meeting a head of froth
and chocolate
and there go I,

You detach me from my life.
We touch and everything becomes senseless,
the world turns to existential void.

She complained
I didn’t give

Too much life.

Too much

Your scent on my shirt
brings your face.

It spans the width and


Governed by signs.
Restriction, limitation, warnings and
consequences of failure to comply.

Lying side by side.

Inverted comma's
in a speechless coma.

There were just
the two of us
in the room.

Suddenly you were there
And it seemed you always had been.
Slowly growth of care
Fates arrows land unseen.

The confident cyclist holds his
handlebars with one hand.

Ambidextrous assuredness,

A heterosexual couple
walk into a gay
West End bar.

And on the Embankment
I put my arm around you,
wanting to add the physical
to the arsenal of our friendship.

She asks -
what's different?
And I can't really say.

Turn off the i-pod, take out the earbuds.
Silence the MP3 player, walkman,
Minidisk, mobile, and listen.


When I’m gone I’ll think of you.

On the opposite side of
the hour you’re living

The loves I’ve had.

A long list of self afflicted
plagioseres, occasional fire

And Winter returned,
towards dust we travelled.
Her meaning become meaningless
as windswept as the sea.

The Best Poem Of david e golledge

Chaos Theory

A butterfly beats it’s wings
and a gentle zephyr,
rising over half a world,
brings the tsunami

You flutter your eyelids.
Lashes flickering
against your tranquil stare,
and I gladly drown.

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