David Harris Poems

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Mother Nature's Hand

We are the way we are
due to which way the wind
ruffles our hair each day.
Our mood can change

Near The Harbour Door

miscThe harbour lights are shining bright
across the still placid waters
as young lovers hand in hand
stroll along the shore.

Dreams Start

As the evening shadows fall
at the closing of the day
before the stars twinkle in the sky
a silence befalls all

Invisible Within The Moonlight

As the skies go dim
as evening begins
a soft breeze
of night fall slips across as evening calls

Lost In Thought

There are many times
when it might look like
I have nodded off
but in fact I’ve closed my eyes

Names 2

When we are born
we are given a name
that last our whole life through,
but as the time progresses

Gender Change (Fun Poem 168)

We all know the saying
in a blink of an eye.
That is exactly what happened to me
thanks to a comment on one of my poems.

Old And New 2

nHere we are again
on the last day of an old year.
We sit and reflect the changes in our lives,
our losses and our gains

A Weird And Wonderful Life

Almost everyone will engage with
something they cannot explain
from UFOs to ghosts.
If the experience is repeated

Someone Else’s Life

The grass is always greener
in someone else’s garden
and you would like to be there.
Would you also like their troubles

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