David Harris Poems

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A Little Chimney Sweep

For Duncan Wyllie
Who suggest I write this in a comment he once made.

Back in the 1800’s

Mysterious World

We live in a mysterious world
with many things yet to be seen.
Everyday new things are discovered,
some from the dawning of time.

A Bolthole

Everyone needs a bolthole
where you can run off to.
Somewhere to go
to let your hair down

Weird People

The world is filled with weird people,
some are quite harmless
and even gives us all a laugh.
While others can be quite abusive

Deal With The Devil

Each day as we walk our life,
in things that we do,
we have to deal with the devil,
in our own private way.

Three Friends

I have three friends that are feeling low today;
one is because the weather is bad
and the upheaval of a move,
making them depressed and sad.

Because They Fall In Love

Love is something
we can never see or hold.
It is a yearning deep inside
that warms you in the winter cold.

Direction And Purpose

A river flows in one direction,
on down to find the sea.
As humans we to see a direction,
and ask our God to lead the way.

Back Row Of The Picture House (Fun Poem 31)

Sitting in the back row
of the picture house the other day,
as the lights went out
the lovers came out to play.

Words To Inspire

Sometimes someones words inspire us
to do things better than we do.

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