David Humphreys

David Humphreys Poems

Ere we can think of time-the moment's past-
And straight another since that thought began:
So swift each instant mingles with the last,

Adieu! thou Yale! where youthful poets dwell,
No more I linger by thy classic stream.
Inglorious ease and sportive songs farewell!

Hark! friends! what sobs of sorrow, moans of grief,
On every gale, through every region spread!
Hark! how the western world bewails our chief,

WHERE spirits dwell, and shadowy forms,
On Andes' cliffs, 'mid black'ning storms,
With livid lightnings curl'd;

IN yonder dark and narrow lodging,
There rests a patriot's body,
Which, after many a slip and dodging,

The Best Poem Of David Humphreys

Sonnet V: On Life

Ere we can think of time-the moment's past-
And straight another since that thought began:
So swift each instant mingles with the last,
The flying now exists-no more for man.
With consciousness suspended ev'n by sleep,
To what this phantom, life, then likest seems?
Say thou! whose doubtful being (lost in dreams)
Allows the wilder'd but to wake and weep,
So thoughtless hurried to th' eternal deep!
'Tis like a moon-light vision's airy shade,
A bubble driving down the deep beneath
Then, ere the bubble burst, the vision fade,
Dissolv'd in air this evanescent breath!
Let man, not mortal, learn true life begins at death.

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