David Lewis Paget Poems

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Lost Girl

My girl went out on a Saturday night
They said that she was alone,
I'd said, ‘We'll meet at the Cineplex, '
But the movie was postponed,

The Ghost Brides Of Shandong

When the Gao Gao clan lost its favourite son
In a coal disaster in the mines of Shandong,
He could not be buried in the family plot
For he died unmarried, with his lifeline cut.

From God To Man

When we were numbered as old men
To peak, at three score years and ten,
God thought to have contained our pride,
As all our knowledge with us died.

Lady In The Mist

The day was bleak and the Tor was steep
As I walked up to the crest,
The tower of St. Michael's Church stood gaunt
And I stared, as if obsessed,

The Cornfield

It was twenty seven years since he
Had been back to the farm,
Where he'd played out in the cornfield there
With Jenny, Jim and Arn,

Leap Year

When the New Year was approaching
There were planets in a line
That they said was some dark portent
Of events, long lost in time,


I had met Hans down in Frankfurt
At the rebuilt Opera House,
We were there to hear Mendelssohn,
Not really my first choice,

The Charnel House Of The Plague

I sat all night in the charnel house
With a rag held over my face,
The smell down there was infernal
But I was guarding my wife's remains,

The Dungeon

From the Minappartamento
In the middle of the night,
We walked the old Piazza
Lit by just a single light,

Looking For You!

I woke one day to hear them say
That they'd atom bombed Iran,
There was no more threat from them, they said,
There was no more Teheran,

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