From God To Man Poem by David Lewis Paget

From God To Man

When we were numbered as old men
To peak, at three score years and ten,
God thought to have contained our pride,
As all our knowledge with us died.

But man was formed in God's own frame
And as such, he designed man's brain,
He must have known that what we knew
Would be passed on, from me to you.

And all the knowledge of God's mind
For generations, would unwind,
Would be recorded, pen and ink
And give descendants cause to think.

Our language would become refined
Beyond what he, in grace, designed,
Though he, in anger, rent the tower
Of Babel, man defied his power.

For science, in its infancy
Would lift his veil of secrecy,
Unravel every atom known
Of knowledge, that was God's alone.

‘Til now, in pride and arrogance
Men say we happened here by chance,
There is no God up in the sky
But evolution brought us nigh!

Man is the ruler of his fate
We say, the lesson's learned too late
That man's corrupt, corroding hand
Wreaks pain and slaughter through the land.

And clever as men seem to claim
We can't control the falling rain,
We hide beneath our lightning rods,
But still men strut, and think they're Gods.

He sent the flood in times gone by
Then set his rainbow in the sky,
But if his covenant we break…
It may well be our last mistake!

20 December 2012

David Lewis Paget

David Lewis Paget

Nottingham, England/live in Australia
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