David N. Munene Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lose It I

Ooh sweet senses turned sour
Bring back to me senses this hour
Back and forth I rock and all blocks
These that barricade my path with rocks

Don'T Lose Hope Venkatesh

Venkatesh, Venkatesh
If I could write in Hindu, I would
To pierce your soul like nail does wood
Invoke hope to never vanish


I have been through this path
Cause me much pain as wrath
I remember stepping on this ground
Without causing a mark I went round


In an unfamiliar grounds one is grounded
When naturally you are talkative,
Now you are by newness surrounded
You feel that vocal cords are inactive

Dead Bodies, Reveal!

Rise up oh dead bodies
You whose corpses were never found
From your living spirits issue command
That your bones gather and re-form

Female Chauvinism

Does it have to be so?
What if there actually existed
A state that is more twisted
Where all was up-bottom

Only Good

I see a great nation
And hear good people
I focus on celebration
Overlooking every ripple

Who Stewards Francesco?

The Holy Father is taking care of us
Challenging and thrilling the world
Easing and calming the global fuss
Even with a simple word

Good Retaliation

If I punch and you retaliate,
Then you and I enter battlefield
Soon, it will be a failed state
With nothing but swords to wield,

Africa Day

Today is Africa Day,
I am not sure what to say
Even as I, with my forehead, lay
And kneel down to begin to pray

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