Hit Title Date Added
Things I Love

I love the sun
I love lying in the sun, relaxing on a lounge
Working hard for a cold glass of sweet tea
Playing in the water, fishing in the late afternoon

Some Things I Believe

I believe in second chances
I believe in love again
Where blessed true romance is
Shared by two as friends

You May Never Know It

You may never know it
I may never show it
And I’ll probably blow it
But I’m in love with you

Letting Go At The Crossroads

I’m letting go of you now
And I really don’t know how
To separate what I feel
From what has become real

My Favorite Time

My favorite time of morning
Is that time of morning when
I have a cup of warm coffee in my hands
And the sun barely peeks over the land

Much That I Remember About You

I remember you
I remember the first time I saw you
Looking up and there you were, an angel on earth
It occurred when I didn’t expect it, wasn’t looking

Unfamiliar Territory

This is unfamiliar territory for me
You see, I’ve never been here before
Before now, I had been the one who loved and gave
Thinking I saved but really hurt and who walked away, who wouldn’t commit

I Don'T Know

I don’t know how to fill the place in my heart
The place that is empty now that you’re gone
Because now that you’re gone I feel empty inside
Empty inside because I’m without your love

Until The End

Alot has been mentioned
Alot has been said
Alot has been tossed around
About the days ahead

The Hollow Place

I miss you so much it hurts
We’ve backed away before
In fits and spurts
This time is different and the wounds are fresh, unhealed

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