David Wood Poems

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Nocturnal Dances

The night yawns and slowly wakes up as
A tired sun dips below the far horizon.
Behind soft grey clouds hides a pale
Crescent moon still drowsy as it

Haiku: Nature's Love

Nature shows its love
In the early morning dew
To thirsty flowers.

In Memoriam

No longer do I see her brown eyes
Looking at me, waiting for me to say
Her favourite word.

Haiku: Illusions

Sun in the desert
Creates hazy mirages
Not to be trusted.

Sonnet 58: The Haunted Wood

Time drips off the wall clock and down the wall
Sunset throws its cape down over the land,
Evening comes and birds do end their day call
And lovers stroll out and parade hand in hand.

Among The Cornflowers

I walk through the long grass thinking of you
Soft summer rain doesn’t melt my thoughts,
My shirt sticky drippy wet with the heat and rain.


True love transcends all, it is
The power behind the universe.
Every human will experience it
At some point in their life.


The sudden flash of delicate blue
That lightning strike so wondrously true
There, gone in the blink of an eye,
And no matter how hard you try,

The Look Of Love

The eyes are the hearts messenger,
The heart cannot speak on its own
So it tells the eyes to say ‘I love you'.

The Rooks

I fed the two ravens I see
As I walked around the lake
They follow me from tree to tree
Three hours after daybreak

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