David Zvekic Poems

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Font Color='#880000'To Where I May Not Lay/Font

No ropes are these, my hands, to bind the wind,
To part unyielding currents from herself,
Or fix my earthbound breath and so defend:
As fallen leaves on wind, I've lost myself.

Font Color='#880000'This Dream Of Love/Font


I've lost the joy that used to meet your smile,
And found without its light my life now feels

Font Color='#880000'A Poet's Art/Font

An artist paints his life from mark to end,
  from mix to finish, like the pigment oils
  that while on painter's pallet blend,
  on canvas cling to boast the master's toils.

Font Color='#880000'The Invisible Hand/Font

Democracy has nothing left to do,
From high in soaring towers of plate glass,
Concealed by rebar steel and concrete block,
Secured aloft in fortresses of finance;

Sonnet 2: Her Beauty Is As Lines Laid On My Soul

Her beauty is as lines laid on my soul
  As found revealed beyond the reach of time;
  So subtle, fate's perfection draws me whole
  As powerless I cling to her design.

Words I Would But Will Not Say

Oft' I wait across the way,
Staid nerves defy my flustered heart
With words I would but will not say,
So steel my tongue before I start.


She is the moonlight pallor,
Dark water's cold caress
Echoes in the shadow of midnight's kiss.
On a single mote of her hair,

Font Color='#880000'Heaven [english Sonnet] /Font

You've seen these skies under a different star;
its rays caress the winds but not the same
as those that strike on me; their journey's far
from yours; their currents found a different stream.

Hours Shorten Day By Day

Leaves fly the wind across my way
Like dreams brought dry on sorrowed dew;
As night strikes vibrance from the day,
These souls the trail led hard astray;

A Better Friend

I would have been a better friend
If time had worn me not alone.
Though friendships' bonds frayed past their end,
I could have been a better friend.

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