Denis Martindale Poems

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The Unique Revelation!

The Word of God is preached on Earth,
Each sacred, precious hour,
Because lost souls can still have worth
When born again with power!

An Audience With Truth!

Imagine truth was Heaven-sent, for revelation here,
Imagine it had one intent: God's perfect will made clear,
Such that not one on Earth should doubt, or ever be confused,
For only truth can sort things out... yet only when it's used...

+ The Revelation Of God's Love!

We know that Christmas comes each year, excitement everywhere,
It's then prayer journals bring us cheer because Good News they share...
Always be ready with reasons, why God has made you glad,
Regardless of the seasons, when Winter makes you sad...

Thank You For Your Donation!

Stronger together with Jesus! On that you can depend!
You stood with us...You prayed with us... You made a difference, friend!
We praise God for each occasion, when Jesus touched your heart,
Your donation helps each nation, when we, Good News, impart!

Let The Lord Lead You!

Let the Lord lead you on the way, to guide you here and there,
Anoint your journey day by day, beyond each hope and prayer,
The Lord has seen what's yet to be, then shares with prophets, too,
Just like He's done for saints like me, like He can do for you...

What Else?

Consider all that we could be, if children of the Lord!
Amazing grace through Calvary, redeemed and then restored,
Revival sent, with tongues of fire, with dreams and visions, too...
With revelation to inspire, to guide and see us through...

Receive God's Revelation!

Receive God's revelation, the finest you could find,
For it transforms each nation, each humbled heart and mind!
For there are blessings to unfold, like banners raised above,
The greatest story ever told, declaring God is love!

Continue In The Spirit!

Continue in the Spirit here, all hopes anointed still,
Then He can make your journey clear, according to God's will.
Continue in the Spirit, friends, His guidance is sublime,
In truth, His power never ends, it stands the test of time!

+ Prayer Warriors And Intercessors!

Father, we thank You, in advance, for listening to our prayers!
We celebrate each second chance that guides, heals or repairs!
With prayer journals open... close-at-hand... we then approach Your Throne,
With Christian names, their hopes, their aims and not just saints alone...

Miracles Of The Messiah!

It's thanks to Jesus Christ we know, that miracles will overflow,
They're like a river from above, so many blessings full of love!
The Holy Spirit sharing hope, enough to reach across the globe,
Enough to prove, to those baptised, that miracles are thanks to Christ!

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