Denis Martindale Poems

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The Beginning Of Beauty

When rain begins its cold descent from storm clouds up above,
Sometimes such weather can prevent its form we may not love...
So pure white snowflakes come each year in Winters oh so bleak,
Such that new patterns can appear within each one unique...

Cross Reference

When we cry at the Cross of Christ, the angels weep for joy,
For they know what was sacrificed for every girl and boy...
Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve, estranged by sin and shame,
This very day you can believe... Believe in Jesus' Name...

Every Day With Jesus

If each believes, then each receives
What Jesus wants to share,
For He's the Lord who will not leave
His precious ones in prayer...

Samson's Fury

A fire is mounting; its smoke is consuming me whole.
Its angry flames are burning me alive…
Its raging blazes are suffocating me…
The heat is unbearable, I feel myself losing control.

Pleasant Places, Beautiful Borders

God grants me joy to love the Lord, He taught my heart to sing
For each new blessing and reward that only God could bring...
From Adam's line, each child was born and I was made aware
That God is able to forewarn each time I kneel in prayer...

God's Breath Of Fresh Air

As the Lord looked on the nations,
He sighed at all He saw,
Though He gave them revelations,
They still despised His Law...

See You At The Cross

If only wisdom was the aim of every living soul,
Yes, this we pray, in Jesus' Name, for this should be our goal.
What blessings wait if we but try to live the lives we should,
Beyond the angry question, 'WHY! ? ' and doubting God is good

The Helmet Of Salvation

The Scriptures warn us of the war that good and evil fight,
That's why God's judgements must outpour if we don't do what's right.
Yet those God saves, by Heaven's grace, whom Jesus calls His Own,
Will one day meet Him face-to-face, in Heaven on His Throne.

Cross Examined

Of all the trees God ever made, one tree was set apart,
For on that tragic tree was laid the Saviour's beating heart...
The tree would lift the Lord on high upon that fateful day,
When Jesus Christ was meant to die, to take Man's sins away...

Right To Know

The tiny child that lives inside
Deserves the right to know
That life would never be denied
While it had time to grow

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