Denis Martindale Poems

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The Amazing Spider-Man

Spider-Man has got a secret
That changed his life for good,
For he could spin a spider's net
No other human could...

Thank You!

Two little words that mean so much, a courtesy expressed...
A chance you really ought to clutch: somebody's done their best!
Two little words that show you're pleased because somebody cared!
Somebody helped thus tensions eased when love itself was shared...

Snow Leopard

The snow leopard stared intently,
At all things near and far...
While at times, he looked quite friendly,
You know how wild cats are.

Patience Is A Virtue

Everything comes to those that wait,
If they wait patiently...
If not on time, it may be late,
But comes eventually.

Mary, Mother Of Jesus

In Roman times, when swords were raised,
And peace on Earth was rare,
There lived a girl now highly praised,
A girl beyond compare...

The Little Mermaid

The sun shone brightly in the sky,
Crowned with a rainbow there,
While seagulls boldly chose to fly,
As if without a care...

God Bless You On Your Birthday!

May God bless you on your birthday
With gifts and cards and such
From those who care and those who pray
And those who love so much!

Spider-Man: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility!

Each man on Earth who strives for good
And seeks to bless the neighbourhood
Should ask himself what gifts he owns
To fight the evil crime condones!

Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

I saw them riding in a dream, Hell-bent upon their course,
And each one with a sickening scheme as he rode on his horse...
And so they moved, this world to claim with utmost misery,
With death and suffering as their aim, their shame and infamy!

The Lion King

Two lions fought beneath the sun...
Their teeth as sharp as nails
And when their fight was truly done,
One lion tipped the scales.

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