Denis Martindale Poems

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Roof Of The World!

Towards the wondrous, pale blue sky,
The mountain top to hide,
The snow leopard climbed, way up high,
Upon the mountain side...

African Queen!

The lofty-looking lioness
Was quite a sight to see,
With feline posture and prowess
She strode with certainty...


A child of Vulcan long ago,
Half-human from the start,
Tormenting feelings yet to know
That could tear him apart...

Victors And Victims

Although they started as equals,
The race, of course, began,
From then on, who of us foretells
What purposes they plan?


The planet Krypton was his home,
Until the day it died,
Then in a spaceship forced to roam
Across the void so wide...

Lions, Tigers, Jaguars!

So many big cats lurk out there!
They prowl by day and night!
Enough to give your heart a scare
And make you gulp with fright!

The King Of The Jews!

The prophecies that came to pass
Were not completely done,
For soon would come the evil farce,
The judgment of God's Son,

The Boss

White tiger, there, why do you stare
At me so haughty still,
As if you truly just don't care
And never, ever will?

Sleep Tight

The two white tigers laid flat out,
Fatigued yet still awake,
Yet even tigers cannot flout
The need to take a break...

The Triumph Of The Cross!

The Triune God made manifest,
Fulfilling prophecies,
Despite the fact Christ did His best
And was now on His knees,

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