Denis Martindale Poems

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The Unpaid Poet

The unpaid poet pottered on,
Perusing pleasant dreams,
Perchance, when inspiration shone,
Perceiving precious themes...

Write Well, Write Here, Write Now!

I've written at the Dentist's
And at the Doctor's, too,
And I've been known to write my lists
When even at the zoo...

God's Golden Age!

Blessed is the heart that beats with love,
Forgiving like the Lord,
Who sees all things with grace enough
To grant His saints reward...

The Road Of Discovery

The poet woke up from the dream,
The dream that changed his life,
Though dreams aren't always what they seem,
This cut him like a knife...

The Path To Perfect Poetry

Poetry is like a scroll or a road map,
set ablaze with various expressions
guiding us towards an understanding
of what is required, if we define poetry


When angels formed their choir above,
The shepherds listened well,
For born on Earth, the King of Love,
Was welcomed here to dwell...

Kicking Up Dust!

When zebras gather somewhat close
And privacy is lost,
Sometimes a tension slowly grows,
Perhaps a line gets crossed...

Gold Finches With Thistle

Though not as proud as peacocks are,
Each gold finch seems content,
Not like some human superstar,
Some ego to present...

African Beauty!

What beauty radiates from her,
That cheetah, eyes aglow,
With dainty, dappled spots on fur,
Like footprints, toe-by-toe...

Shadows In The Grass

Three cheetah cubs were left behind
With parents somewhere else,
So every noise that they would find
Would send off warning bells!

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