Denis Martindale Poems

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Politics Or Politricks?

Forgive me if I've lost the point,
What use is politics?
Each party seems to wreck the joint,
With madcap politricks...

Stand By Your Man!

Across the world, this golden rule
Has paved the way for peace,
It's warmed up hearts that once were cool,
For wonders never cease...


The white wolf wasn't all too keen
To challenge anyone.
He heard a noise, his heart turned mean,
Beneath the fading sun...

Father Figure

The lion cub thought life was good,
While at his father's side.
Protected in this neighbourhood,
A member of the pride.

On The Move

The elephant was on the move,
Vivaciously, of course,
As if he had something to prove,
A legend to enforce.


In LazyTown in TVLand
They're always on the go.
The colours there are mighty grand,
A vibrant rich rainbow.

Tiger Stare

Intimidation is the game, as any tiger knows.
Infuriation is the aim, before it comes to blows.
The tiger stare, with ears erect, the lowered jaw in tune,
The teeth to bear, for bold effect! All say, 'I'll fight you soon! '

Prove Your Love!

The rarest gemstones found on Earth
Are treasured everywhere!
As if they symbolise the worth
Of sweethearts that we share!

Young Explorers

Two young lions surveyed the land
And paused to take it in,
As if the future could be planned,
So they would always win.

God's Destiny For Me

Within the womb God chose for me, I waited so forlorn...
I didn't know my destiny or when I would be born.
I didn't know the words to speak, I only had one thought...
I knew that I was quite unique, without me being taught.

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