Denis Martindale Poems

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Crashing Waves!

I'm glad to be a dolphin, I can wave my fin at you!
I can smile my gracious grin and then blow a kiss or two!
I swim as fast as boats can! That's amazing, don't you think! ?
And yet, don't close your eyes, man, or I'll vanish in a blink!

The Uk Forces Gulf Fund

There is a gulf 'twixt war and peace
The brave alone must cross...
And there they strive till battles cease
And some will suffer loss...

The Mystery Of Christ!

Oh that my mind could grasp the truth
Of all that Christ must mean,
Beyond the years He was a youth,
Known as the Nazarene...

The Brilliant Blessing Of Beauty!

Kisses are cute! Of course, they are! Yet God reigns all supreme!
Tresses of hair! A Rolls-Royce car! Exciting as a dream!
Rainbows leaping across the sky - so close to Heaven's Throne!
God's answers now and by and by? Salvation's truths atone...

Beak Kind To Birds!

Beak kind to birds both near and far,
Both high and low as well...
To me, each bird's a superstar!
In fact, to me, they're swell!

Cherish God's Child

If you could but cherish God's child,
Revered Saviour within...
You'd see beyond this world so wild,
Perhaps lost souls to win...

Where Has My Love Gone?

Where has my love gone? God, I really miss her!
God, I wish I knew although I know
She could come back really!
It's up to her! Wish I could kiss her!

Le Jardin De La Joie (The Garden Of Joy)

Before you came into my life my garden knew no love!
Until you came to be my wife and we walked hand-in-glove...
For when we came to live as one, our children joined us, too!
Together, we, have shared such fun! It seemed the garden knew!

Blinded By Belinda!

Belinda! Belinda! Belinda! Oh, won't you marry me?
Your negatives would hinder, say YES, bring ecstasy!
Don't put it off another day! Don't leave YES till tomorrow!
Just shout the word I hope you'll say and that would end the sorrow!

Soul Mates

Soul mates they seemed, soul mates they stayed,
Lion and lioness,
Thus side-by-side and unafraid,
Portraying happiness...

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