Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Need For Prayer

While you've been sleeping,
The world has moved on...
The planets still circle mid the stars,
While on Earth we know of Man,

Aiming For A Better World...

If we don't try to make the world a better place
Then it will become a bitter place...
A wasteland of broken hearts and broken dreams...
A void in space, a place to avoid...

The Prospector's Parable

When Summer came, I looked for gold! I found it in her hair!
Such was the glory to behold, it really wasn't fair!
I went in search for sapphires! I found them in her eyes!
Where dazzling beauty conspires, intent on causing sighs!

Four Friendly Froggies!

Four friendly froggies were learning computing!
Yet they were so humble and not high faluting!
They were never despondent, but glad as could be!
Their PCs weren't cluttered so they felt so free!

The Precious Gift Of Poetry!

Yes, poetry's a wondrous gift, vivacious lines of verse
That help to give the heart a lift with rhythms to rehearse!
When spoken, it's a memory to bless the ears as well,
The incantations gently weave their very special spell!

Spider-Man's Super Secret!

Now I'm in love what should I do,
Admit I'm Spider-Man?
Say I'm the guy in red and blue
And hope that she's a fan?

Goddess Of The Moon

I'll not forget that awesome night
When I beheld the winsome sight
Of she who held the silvered moon
As though a beach ball caught one June!

What Beauties?

Though I lament the passing years, what treasures have I left?
What vivid verse to soothe the fears of those who feel bereft?
For life's not sweet to all Mankind! Some feast while others starve!
And there are those whose souls are blind who seek no higher path!

The Time Machine!

The gamble's taken based on faith
Before one switch is pressed -
The traveller sits and must be brave
In this, Man's noblest quest!


While most folks sleep when night draws near
And dream their gentle dreams,
For Spider-Man the choice is clear
Despite the mad extremes!

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