Denis Martindale Poems

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The God Of Victory!

With a broken heart still beating,
While brothers bled and died,
A young boy prayed unceasing
With tears no more he cried...

Mariya The Preacher!

Mariya is a wondrous name!
Her face is sweet and kind...
Her heart, of course, is just the same!
Her mind is quite refined...

Give God A Go!

The world would be a better place, if people were polite...
There'd be a smile on every face and that helps make things right...

There'd be a song in every heart, sweet thoughts in every mind,

An Epistle From One Who Loved You

Greetings, my brethren,
May God bless you in His Holy Name.
I was once among you long ago.
Remember the gifts we shared?

Mariya And Son

Mariya the preacher went shopping!
Her son was at her side...
And their Christian tracts were dropping
In places far and wide!

A Poem Is...

A poem is a set of thoughts some writer may express,
Such that with these as his cohorts, who knows if he will bless?
Yet if he does, then shake his hand and pat him on the back!
If not, then banish from this land, or else give him the sack!

Who's Gonna Save The World?

While Man, this Earth's still prone to rape,
There's no great love, no great escape...
While Man on Earth's still prone to pride,
It's this, God's world, that's crucified...

The People's Publisher

Over a million poems shared
By Forward Poetry!
The People's Publisher that cared
Has thus made history!

Death Of The Trees

My town is a place where
The rich tourists come,
With mountains and rivers
That glint in the sun!

Poems What I Wrote

Invited by a local School
To read my poems out,
The children giggled at the fool
And thus caused me to doubt,

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