Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
* God's Finest Revelation!

When revelation comes to mind,
It's God's love that I see
And greater love no man can find
Throughout all history...

The Beautiful Brown-Headed Duck

I saw that duck just yesterday,
Today, he's back again,
Still quacking in that raucous way,
Since he did way back when...

The Cheeky Chocolate Chomper!

She loiters near the table tops,
In search of her next feast,
For her addiction never stops,
It just can't be appeased...

Tiger And Cubs

Tiger and cubs felt quite composed,
Despite the frost and snow,
As if by perfect peace engrossed,
No urgent place to go...

By Faith, By Prayer, By Love!

Sometimes it takes an act of faith beyond reality,
Not merely courage to be brave to bear calamity...
Sometimes it takes a patient soul, a willingness to wait,
Before the Saviour holds control of destiny and fate...

Praying For Revelation!

Who is the Christian God will hear
And not just now and then?
Who is the Christian God calls near
Who often says, 'Amen! '?

Quote Jesus!

It isn't just evangelists
Who quote Jesus each day,
The common Christian still insists
To share Him in some way...

A Channel Of His Peace!

When revelation came to us,
It really meant a lot,
It was how we found Lord Jesus
And He put us on the spot!


His purposes are well-defined
And Israel is the key
And why He keeps this land in mind
Throughout all history...

Mark's Gospel!

When God called Mark to preach the Word,
He taught him from the start
And so, Christ's teachings overheard,
Remained and stirred his heart...

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