Denis Martindale Poems

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Making Waves

At last, I've made it here again.
I'm making waves once more!
How long it's been, I can't say when
Because I'm not quite sure...

Perfection! Absolute Perfection!

As soon as I laid eyes on her, I couldn't say a word!
The reason for that to occur? Romance within me stirred...
I couldn't move as we stood there, to offer her my hand,
Because my heart was deep in prayer! In Love's sweet wonderland!

Why Poetry Matters

The English teacher spoke at length
To stimulate the class,
Still hoping they'd recall a tenth
Before the day must pass!

Something Stirred

Something stirred and it stopped him still...
Tiger ever ready.
For him, this was no pleasant thrill...
Ears alert and steady.

The Children Of The Lord

From the beginning, it was decreed
That love in itself does not create life.
For love, even in its own form of life,
Has no power to create anything new.

Beauty Beyond Belief!

Behold the beauty of her face, the twinkles in her eyes,
Her smile, her style, her noble grace, her countenance so wise.
Behold the beauty of her hair cascading left and right,
The way it shines beyond compare, so debonair and bright.

The Prowler

The prowler lurks, the prowler stalks, the prowler softly treads.
The tiger smirks, the tiger walks, the tiger tension spreads.
The forest king intently stares... he feels the prey is close.
With every step, he shows he cares, for suddenly he knows.

The Day I Died

Yes, it was just another day -
The sun rose once again
To send the night upon its way
And light the world of men.


The tiger strolled quite merrily,
As if without a qualm
And those that watched could plainly see
That he was mighty calm.

Winter Sunbather

The tiger yawned as he walked on...
The snow had slowed him down...
He'd wait it out till it was gone,
For now, he wore a frown.

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