Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added

To think that the adult lion
Was once a tiny thing.
So his mother kept her eye on
This one who would be king.


White tigers roam where Man permits,
Endangered even now...
That's why they have to use their wits
Before their final bow...

Cheetah Vigil

The cheetah vigil first began
When hunters searched for game,
With rifles hanging from each man
Until they each took aim...

Patience Is A Virtue (Forward Press)

Everything comes to those who wait,
If they wait patiently...
If not on time, it may be late,
But comes eventually.

Close Family

Time melts in magical moments,
As if within love's spell,
Each day we can share it with friends,
Before we say farewell...

Eye To Eye

I like most elephants I've seen,
I like them, yes, I do...
I like it when they don't act mean,
I like how they swim, too...

Back To Back

Back to back, there stood two meerkats,
Just staring into space,
As if they looked like scruffy brats
Who had no poise or grace...

Old Scarface

Old Scarface wasn't all that old
But lions tend to age
When grizzled hearts turn freezing cold
Yet burn with white-hot rage!

White Haven

Even white tigers have to bathe
Though they're as white as snow,
That's why an hour they will save
For streams that overflow...

A Cool Place

The tiger's paws were very hot
As he stepped on the ground,
Yet he recalled a shady spot
Was nearby to be found...

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