Denis Martindale Poems

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Will He Take The Mark?

The Rapture of the Church of Christ came suddenly one day!
Too many billions were surprised when God took them away!
Finances transformed overnight when leaders were confused...
The Antichrist now came in sight and smiled and smirked, amused.

White Feather

Her smile is gracious as God's stars that nightly fill the sky,
As sweet as water when it's sparce and when one's throat is dry...
As precious as the rainbow's glow, as in an arc it spreads
And like a waterfall in flow that stirs the waterbeds...

Appearing Day

Her smile is gracious as God's stars that nightly fill the sky,
As sweet as water when it's sparse and when one's throat is dry...
As precious as the rainbow's glow, as in an arc it spreads
And like a waterfall in flow that stirs the waterbeds...

Pilgrim's Progress

Dear Lord, I'm but a fallen man, some thoughts beyond control.
I've sinned as only sinners can, yet ask, forgive my soul...
Consider my infirmities, like anger, hatred, greed,
My prejudice and jealousies... How then, can I succeed?

The Perfect Perfect Poem

Imagine that God asked you to write the perfect poem.
You sat down at the table, pen and paper at the ready.
You let your mind drift, as if in gentle wholesome prayer.
You wait for some guidance as to the main theme.

This Is For You!

As I paused within the present,
With the future on my heart,
The Saviour knew how much this meant
That I should do my part...

The King Of Kings And More

There's not one single fact unknown
To God who dwells above.
In Christ, no man lives life alone,
His grace will prove enough...

Judging My Judgement Day Dream

The dream began as many do, without a by or leave,
Then all lost souls God let me view... I heard their spirits grieve.
I looked above, there were no stars, no planets and no moon,
The sun alone was burning still, so hot it made them swoon.

On Watch

They also serve who stand and wait,
The meerkat showed this fact.
He volunteered and stood up straight,
Determined to react!

Lord Of The Jungle

Lord of the Jungle, certainly,
This leopard so serene.
He posed with sovereign majesty,
The best that's ever been.

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