Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lord Jesus Looked Different Today!

When I awoke with sleepy head... I thought about the Lord...
As I stayed lying on my bed... all other thoughts ignored...
And I saw Jesus full of hope... and smiling straight at me...
The King of Kings who ruled the globe... and conquered Calvary...

Politics... What Does It Take?

What does it take to stand and lead... and guide a nation through?
What does it take so you succeed... I guess that's up to you...
Too tough, too weak? Or in-between? The softly-softly touch?
Or starting wars and staying mean? Like you don't care that much?

Black Friday!

Black Friday! Wow, just days away... when sellers get quite rash...
When buyers have much less to pay... and so they start to dash...
With credit cards and discount codes... and extra details shared...
As buyers search for loads and loads... deliveries prepared...

One Way Street To Heaven!

The Holy Spirit leads the lambs... towards the Cross of Christ...
Despite the Devil's sickening scams... with all deceits disguised...
There comes a time none can replace... salvation to impart...
God's miracle! Amazing grace! Psalm 22's the start!

The Son Of God!

God's drama comes and must unfold... His Son to die for Man...
The greatest story ever told... Forgiveness! That's God's plan!
The angels sang amazing grace... before one word was penned...
Because they saw the Saviour's face... when life came to an end...

Building Faith!

And so begins new blessings, friends... as revelation grows...
Because, on this, our faith depends... as every Christian knows...
Still building on what's gone before... still pushing just like Paul...
Like Gideon's army seeking more... and God's next miracle!

Some Stand Up... Some Stand Out...

Disciples choose what God stands for... the good that God decides...
That's why God gives them more and more... and why each one abides...
For without love and without grace... disciples fear the worst...
Yet signs and wonders still take place... as long as prayers come first...

Thanksgiving For The Great Awakening!

We've so much to be thankful for! Because God gave His best...
We should feel glad! Thrilled to the core! Because we're truly blessed!
With signs and wonders God has planned... in Heaven and on Earth!
Yet only when we understand... such gifts we don't deserve...

The Two Angels

Two angels were talking about the people on Earth yet again.
The first angel was full of hope and so was the second...
But today was somewhat different... they were both feeling quite sad.
Those poor people really are all over the place, aren't they?

The Spectacular Power Of The Spoken Word!

Of all the gifts God ever gave... the spoken word stands tall...
For by Man's words he can be brave... no matter, great or small...
Like David when a giant fell... Like Solomon so wise...
Like Jesus when He preached of Hell... to help folks realise...

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