Denis Martindale Poems

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Adorable, Too

The cheetah looked adorable,
A specimen sublime,
Pristine and like a miracle
And truly in its prime...


Some artists add a final touch,
Their first sketch of their art,
The one that helped them oh so much
Before they could take part...


Imagine born some time ago,
To grow, then go to School,
To learn all things you're meant to know
And thinking life's so cool...

* Who Is Jesus?

Who is Jesus Christ to me? Why should I serve the Lord?
What proof have I of Calvary? How may I stand assured?
Such questions caused my heart dismay and yet I learnt by faith,
The truth Christ died for me one day, my sad lost soul to save!

The Full Armour Of God!

Two men were walking to Heaven,
The first clothed with the full armour of God.
He was truly blessed, like a knight of old,
His armour shining like precious gold.

* Is There Really Life After Death? (Ian Mccormack)

Some say that faith can raise the dead,
Yes, even in this age,
When in Christ's Name, some prayers are said,
With death no more a cage...

On How To Write A Poem!

The second lived before I start, no poem's on my mind,
Then suddenly I must impart the new thoughts that I find!
With my computer set to go, I'm poised to write again,
With all the wisdom I could know and truths beyond my ken!

The Christian Marriage

Blessed is the man whose wife is wise,
Whose love for him stays true,
Who smiles at him in ways so nice...
And finds good works to do...

Really, Really Limited!

Sometimes a painting's chosen for
A limited release,
A canvas copy to adore,
A really special piece...

King Of Kings, King Of Love...

As it was in days of old,
Man's kingdoms came and went,
The royals counting all their gold,
As if gold was their friend...

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