Denis Martindale Poems

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The Sacred Shimmering Cord!

Be Spirit-blessed and thus allow God's blessings now and then!
Let Jesus be your Saviour now! Make sure you're born again!
A living soul can meet life's end, as helpless as can be,
Like Jesus Christ, the Sinner's Friend, when doomed at Calvary!

Why Do You Write The Way You Do?

The Christian poet took his time to write his very best,
In contemplating every rhyme in which he should invest,
Such that his brother watched him write, then puzzle once again
And smiled to see that funny sight of nibbling at his pen...

Pray Tell... What Proves The Weakest Link?

Pray tell... What proves the weakest link
For each new endeavour,
Beyond the fact, God helps us think
So we can be clever?

If You Love Jesus, Pray For Us!

If you love Jesus, pray for us!
We serve by night and day!
If you love Jesus, think of us!
That's always been our way!

The Desert Song!

The sands of time fall down the dunes, like golden snowflakes there,
Beyond the stretch of afternoons, yet moving without care,
While I bear sins and sorrows here, within both heart and mind,
I need the Lord to make things clear, so that some peace I find...

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder!

I saw two girls with smiles so blessed,
As if with beauty at its best
And yet I heard my precious Lord
Reveal the truth that I ignored.

Rev Up The Revelation! !

Imagine God upon His Throne with miracles ahead!
With revelation of His own and truths that must be said...
And lives that must be turned around... by grace and Jesus Christ!
Blessed so they, too, are Heaven-bound and in His Name baptised!

The Celestine Prophecy

Can Man find more than hopes and dreams,
Exploring here and there?
To see beyond all this life seems,
Without the need for prayer?

The Man Of God!

The man of God can prove his worth each time he starts to pray,
For every lost soul on this Earth that doesn't live God's way...
Such that one man seeks better things God only can release,
By faith, to serve the King of Kings, the precious Prince of Peace!

Wow, Look At You!

Wow, girl, you are beautiful,
I feel honoured to have met you.
You look so lovely.
I really like your hair style,

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