Denis Martindale Poems

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My Blue Teddy Bear

The blue teddy bear smiled at me
The first time that we met!
It's a fact, he's always happy,
Not one sign of regret!

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Two meerkats stared, one left, one right,
On guard, my friends, on guard!
With whiskers twitching, what a sight!
Eyes scanning yard by yard...

Flat Out

The sun was mighty warm today!
The lioness concurred...
She found a pleasant rock to lay,
A spot that she preferred...

Full Of Faith!

And it came to pass that a certain man
Read the Word of God and then full of faith
Created something new...
He created something brand new...

The Butterfly Believer

The first of two white butterflies
Left Noah on the ark
And flew upon the fresh-aired skies
To join the crow and lark...

The Poet Laureate

One day Ill hold that title yes
One day just wait for me
Cos Ill give up all happiness
Too earn that legacy..

Gethsemane Miracle!

Alone He walked for private prayer, disciples holding fast,
Christ's countenance that of despair, His hour had come at last.
Gethsemane was quiet now, as twilight there encroached,
As Christ's head bore a bloodied brow, temptation thus approached.

A Tribute To Blake

When I behold the works of Blake, his visions to unfold,
I see the journey I must take to sift out all that gold.
I see the sun, the moon and stars, the tiger and the lamb,
I see Man's sin that often bars from God, the great I AM.


The wizard was quite new to it,
He tried to pick his words,
For magic didn't care one bit
If wizards thought like nerds...

Happy Birthday, Bid Tv!

God bless you on your birthday!
Thank you for Megadeals!
When prices plummet all the way
That's something that appeals!

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