Denis Martindale Poems

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Stolen Moment

Beyond the tall grass cheetahs roam,
Beside the waterhole,
As if it were their second home,
Seclusion for the soul...

Forest Nomad

The wolf had roamed the forest trail,
A nomad, nothing more,
At times, still starving, looking frail,
Wondering what life's for...

The 8-6-8-6 Guy

Yes, I'm the 8-6-8-6 guy!
Yes, poetry's my thing!
As long as God still bids me try,
New poems I must bring...

Up Close And Personal

White tiger eyes are prone to stare
At creatures all about,
Then he saw me and froze right there,
Just gazing, full of doubt...

Lone Vigil

It matters not if day or night,
Lone vigils must be kept,
The lone wolf stared at all in sight,
At things that crawled or crept...

Saved By Grace

A thousand sonnets I could write,
Proclaiming joy, peace, love,
Yet when I meet death's darkest night,
I ask, 'Are these enough? '

My Turn Next!

Two tiger cubs had ventured forth,
Exploring just for fun,
This time, went heading to the north,
Beneath the mighty sun...

It Never Ends!

Outside our homes, the cameras wait,
They focus on us, folks
And every frame has day and date
And privacy revokes...

Psalm 151

Behold the day of salvation,
Behold the day of grace,
Behold God's sweet celebration,
Behold His smiling face...

Think Ink!

Think ink! Think ink! Think ink! Think ink!
It's so important, guys!
Before tonight in bed you sink,
Write something down, be wise!

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