Denis Martindale Poems

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The Nuclear Button

Inside the base hid underground,
The little button stayed
Until the man was duty bound,
Commands to be obeyed...

Be Brave!

Be brave! They say, but they don't know
The terrors that I've seen!
Pink elephants with eyes that glow
That glare and look so mean!

No More Need I

No more need I, the poor man said,
As he lay dying, almost dead,
His lifeforce fading, words so weak,
The present passing, future bleak...

Mother's Favourite

Of all her cubs, this one was best,
The lioness believed,
When by this one was so impressed,
Asked what could be achieved...

Doting Parent

The Mother penguin gazed upon
The gift God gave to her
And there they stayed as God's light shone
On all that could occur...

Forest Phantoms

Two twilight wolves were on the prowl,
Fur coats to keep them safe
And now was not the time to howl,
They must stay strong and brave...

The Purpose Of Poetry

When first Man strove his thoughts to form,
New words became his goal,
Expressing hot and cold and warm
And spirit, body, soul

He Is Alive!

Though they called me Doubting Thomas,
I know Lord Jesus lives!
I know Lord Jesus died for us
And, through Him, God forgives!


Not one wolf here on Earth forgives
When his next meal gets lost...
The moon shines down on each that lives
Regardless of the cost...


The lioness was nestled there,
As grass stalks swayed nearby,
A gentle breeze caressed the air
As if it were a sigh...

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