Denis Martindale Poems

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Creativity Continued

The first line of the poetry came visiting one day
And hit me with alacrity and wouldn't go away.
It stayed with me the whole day long, repeating in my mind
And finally, I'm not that strong, I let the verse unwind.

The Legend Of The Angel

When God made the angels, not one of them knew how to fly.
They walked across Heaven not knowing all they could do.
God wanted to know how long it would take them to learn.
So He kept telling them to go to different parts of Heaven.

Behold The Beauty

Behold the beauty in His eyes, the windows of His soul,
Though with the power to mesmerise, He would not seize control,
For all the love He owns He shares, His very life to give...
Behold the answer to your prayers, the reason that you live...

The Sacred Sacrifice

Jerusalem, what could you see
When Jesus met His end?
For things were borne of secrecy
On that we can depend...

Hallmarks Of The Hero

From ancient times, each hero stood
Against each evil foe
And for the good did what he should,
Heroic deeds to show...

Gayford Gallery

A poem about the wildlife artist, Stephen Gayford

Imagine God gave you a gift with which to bless us all

The Belief Of A Thief

Behold the cruel cross of Christ!
Two lost souls balanced there!
But only one thief realised
Christ was beyond compare!

More Poems Still To Do

It happened as I climbed the stairs, time frozen, in a spell,
So suddenly, no time for prayers, twixt Heaven, Earth and Hell.
Amid these great realities, stood my immortal soul,
Yet there I sensed a heartfelt peace, though I had no control.

The Great Genius

The great genius closed his eyes
And his mind poured out of his body
And he was one with the sun,
The moon and the stars...

God's Precious Perfect Plan

Before my soul was granted here
Within my Mother's womb,
Until my birth when she was near
In my delivery room,

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