Denis Martindale Poems

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Winter Warmth

The tiger laid upon the snow,
Contented in a way,
For he knew soon that it would go
And bring a warmer day...

The Creation Of God's Universe

Before the gifts of space and time, before eternity,
The living God, awesome, sublime, chose how such things would be.
From power such as can't be known by any mortal man,
Came forth foundations strong as stone in God's triumphant plan.

* A Glimpse Of Eternity! (Ian Mccormack)

As I began to say a prayer, I saw God's curtains part,
Then came the vision, oh, so rare, at first it broke my heart...
I saw two angels fly above, one holy, peaceful, glad,
The other wicked, hateful, rough, tormentor of the sad...

Arctic Wanderer

The arctic wastelands numb the bones
And wolves aren't yet immune,
Upon the winds you'll hear their groans
And moans that won't end soon...

Snow Wolf

Distinctive markings on his coat
Disguise the snow wolf well,
As if the snow had kissed his throat
So that we couldn't tell...

Who Moved My Cheese?

'Who moved my cheese? ' the poor mouse screamed!
He really looked distraught!
For cheese was everything he dreamed,
Worth risking getting caught!

Special Friends, Special Soulmates

The bond between us lives in smiles and sometimes salty tears -
It blossoms through our joys and trials and crosses our careers.
I'm there for you! You're there for me! As if it's meant that way.
Despite life's search for certainty, it's love that still holds sway.

Would I Marry You? In A Heartbeat!

Inner heartbeat getting fonder!
Inner heartbeat getting sweet!
Inner heartbeat makes me ponder:
So how come life's incomplete?

The Journey Of Love

Love is what we define it to be for us, yet this is helpful.
We tend to fall in love repeatedly. I fall in love all the time!
In a world full of beauty, it would be folly not to, wouldn't it?
So, it's wonderful when all goes well, but no guarantees of that.

Indian Sanctuary

The tiger rested in the sun
Without a single care...
Without the need to hunt or run,
This sense of peace was rare.

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