Denis Martindale Poems

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Hear My Call

The Spirit of the Lord is here
With power all His own,
Such that God's people need not fear,
We do not stand alone!

To The Point

When God created everything,
His wisdom was displayed
And that is why the angels sing
Of all the Lord has made...

Naughty, Naughty

The dreams of you, they were my own
And comfort me when I'm alone,
The good I would I cannot do,
Because I'm naughty through and through!

The Art Of Conversation

Through the art of conversation
Lord Jesus spread the word
And He thus caused consternation
In everyone who heard!


The lion and the lioness,
Together, side-by-side,
Like a Duke next to his Duchess,
Surveying all with pride...

Great And Unsearchable Things

How great is He, the Lord of Lords
And Cosmic King of Kings,
His treasure trove filled with rewards,
Great unsearchable things!

Miracles Take Time!

The Holy Spirit has been sent
To glorify Christ's name,
Such that this world knows what He meant
By what He would proclaim...

Pray From The Heart

Pray from the heart and God will hear,
He's listening on His Throne,
He harkens to the falling tear,
The sigh, the moan, the groan...

The More Excellent Way!

Saint Paul has taught us of God's laws,
Commandments one-by-one,
Explaining such that none ignores,
If saved by Christ, God's Son...

Silent Vigil

White tigers are conspicuous,
They stand out from the crowd!
So not to be ridiculous,
They're silent and not loud...

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