Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Wonder Woman Loves Ice Cream!

When Gal Gadot was playing her,
It was so nice to see,
When Wonder Woman caused a stir
When tasting was the key...

The Symbol For Hope...

Whatever the symbol for hope, it's there for all to know,
Yet more than words that help us cope, or one more step to go...
The symbol must of course be shared before it takes effect,
By pioneers that show they cared... through lives we can inspect...

The Suffering King...

There at the Cross, I stood that day, with Mary at my side,
To hear the words Christ had to say, as He was crucified…
And on Christ's head, the briars lay, a crown formed as a ring…
Upon the One they chose to slay, our Saviour and our King…

Dandelion And Burdock

When I first tasted this sweet drink,
Here in the British Isles,
I had a chance to really think,
Then I was full of smiles...

My Town, My Rules...

Pizza The Action!

The thrilling thing about pizza,
Is that it NEVER eats ya...
Entirely the opposite,
Just eat a little, bit by bit...


By staying single, then, of course, no girl could marry me...
So I avoid a sad divorce, by staying fancy-free...
No lawyer's fees, no broken heart... I keep my property...
But only if I do my part, rejecting what could be...

The Parable Of The Candles...

Two candles fixed and side-by-side, then both were lit, the dark to hide,
But one went out, its glow to lose, no answer how, there were no clues...
The other candle carried on, until it shrank and then was gone...
The next night came, one candle left, its friend had died, it felt bereft...


I once saw a film called Tombstone,
A Western, to be sure...
I sat and watched it all alone,
That's what I pay Sky for...

One Rhyme At A Time...

There is that magic moment when
This poet reaches for his pen
And suddenly will write again...
A wondrous theme beyond his ken...

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