Donal Mahoney Poems

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When you get old
it’s nice to have all your marbles
even if you can’t count them

Why Not Go Over

Why not go over and see Aunt Maude.
She was told yesterday she’s dying
of cancer, and drop in her afghan

The Keepers

The billionaire would send 11 million back
across the border but not the four perhaps
who on this searing summer day

Almost Home

Rolling down the highway
from Chicago to the farm
Bill the barber’s almost home.

Above Bob Gordon's Bog

The bog above Bob Gordon's bog
is where they found the body of
an older man floating like a canoe
among the lily pads. He was

Grandma At The Bus Stop

Blue Jays And Calico

They've been here for years
two blue jays who live in our yard
year round.

Where's The Sport?

Antonin Scalia is dead, a famous U.S. Supreme Court judge who loved to hunt. He died in bed on a hunting trip, apparently of natural causes.

There were 35 hunters in his group. They flew to a farm in Texas designed to give folks with money a chance to spend it shooting wildlife.

Fifty Years Later

Fifty years ago
Jane got on a plane
and flew away
without saying good-bye.

A Quiet Beauty In Gray

The beauty of gray
I never noticed until
the other day I saw

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