Donal Mahoney Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Misanthrope At Sunset Manor

Even as a child
Charles couldn’t forgive other children
not for something they had done
but rather for who they were.

Strangers In A Bar

Sammy had been sitting in the bar for four hours drinking his usual gin and tonic, one drink after another, and even he would admit he was soused if he could put a sentence together. He didn’t have to talk, however, since he was the only customer left and there was an hour to go before closing. All he had to do was tap on the bar twice in front of his empty glass and the bartender would give him another drink. The service was wonderful.

Then two men in trench coats and fedoras walked in and sat down a few stools away from Sammy. They ordered a couple of beers. They seemed to be concerned about something and Sammy always liked to listen in on other people’s conversations.

Presidential Debates 2016

I fall asleep in my recliner
after a hard day at the computer
chasing my mouse.

Maybe They'll Take A lunch

Jack says God doesn’t exist.
No one has ever seen him.

Country Doctor

A doctor for decades,
he provides services
not available nearby.

Laura, What's A Medical Intuitive?

The phone call came almost a year ago and Homer remembers it well. He had been out in the fields plowing and his wife came out and waved him into the house. His daughter was calling from the city. She had a good job there but she was calling with bad news. A doctor had confirmed she had stomach cancer. He said she should begin chemotherapy and radiation immediately but Laura wasn’t sure that was the right thing to do.

“After all, Dad, my medical intuitive said if I went on the Mediterranean diet, my condition could clear up and my hair wouldn’t fall out. It wouldn’t look good at work if my hair fell out.”

Wives And Girl Friends

A good reason to get married,
Tim told me before he died,
is you need a driver to take you

Old People

These are old people
retired and driving slowly
from small apartments
in economy cars

Supreme Court May Decide

Clara A. Jackson
of Centreville, Illinois
has been charged
with first-degree murder

Ancient Paradox Alive Today

After two thousand years
we still have folks
who blame the Jews

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