Donal Mahoney Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Maintenance Problem

Take it from Martin, if
you live in an old house,
as much as you love it,
bad things happen

Astaire And Ginger Dancing

Old Tim writes poetry now
in his heaven of retirement.
He's had nice jobs
over the years but swears

Recycle Them

We worry so much
because we're nice people.
We want to find a way

A Sunday In The Suburbs

Paul's in his backyard
on a Sunday afternoon
barbecuing burgers.

A Momma Cat Speaks Up

I tell you it's not easy
being a cat in Colorado
especially on this farm
where I stopped on my way

A Twist Of Fate

Ten years ago,
when they were tykes
just in their 70s,

An Avian Wall Street

Two doves on a telephone wire
wait tor the blue jays to finish eating
bread put out for the birds.

An Old Flame Flickers

They had things in common, Paul and June, at an age when most boys and girls don't and maybe that's why they were the only couple in sixth grade dating, if you can call it that. This was the early Fifties when dating didn't begin until senior year of high school, if then, and that was because you had to find someone to go with to the senior prom.

Back then, maybe two families on the block had a black and white TV. Arthur Godfrey played his ukulele on his show and Bishop Sheen had a show almost as popular as Arthur Godfrey, only the bishop always talked about matters involving Heaven and Hell. Nevertheless, people watched Bishop Sheen and one year he had more viewers than Milton Berle.

Bullets Without A Gun

Jimmy was visiting
his father when Mr. Crenshaw
called to say Mrs. Bittles
had died the night before

An Oompah! For Grandpa

Grandpa has a grandson he hopes
will win a scholarship to meet
the high cost of college.

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