Donal Mahoney Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Donald And Delilah

Strong man Samson
told Delilah
seven locks of hair
were the secret

Answer Me This, America

Took the wife
to a pancake house
the other day.
National franchise

One Loves Someone Or Doesn't

I came back to You late
and still don't understand
why the Father asked You to

A Man And A Dog

A reporter asked Wilbur once
if there were any advantages
to being deaf and Wilbur

A Great Time For A Climb

That's a very big tree
and a boy scout could climb it
with all the right gear.

Remembering A War We Tend To Forget

I will never forget him
but I can't remember his name
it's been so long ago.
Maybe I never knew it.

Ecumenical Fellow Arrested And Charged

The police have announced
the arrest of an ecumenical fellow
who in less than two weeks

No John Wayne

He likes people
if they are useful.
Women are useful.
Employees are useful.

A Mulligan May Be The Answer

Anyone might have
what you need if she's
choice in your eye.

A Note To Young Writers

Over the years I have been accused of many things in real life and in the virtual world as well and often deservedly so. Recently, however, I sent a few poems to an editor unknown because samples on his site suggested to me that these particular poems, rejected by other editors as not fit for their sites, might find a home there. One never knows and can only try.

These poems were scabrous enough, I thought, to have a chance at this site but they lacked profanity, sex and violence. I am neither in favor of nor opposed to profanity, sex or violence but I don't knowingly traffic in any of those when it comes to writing.

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