Donal Mahoney Poems

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A Part Of Your Heart

The guillotine dropped
between you and a friend
over coffee and small talk.

All-Night Grocery Store

It tears the stomach out of Roy
to see old folks shopping
at an all-night grocery store

A Rice Cake At Midnight

Midnight in San Francisco.
Yoshiko is 93
and she can't sleep
so she sits in her recliner

A Chipmunk Chortles His Applause

She's not young, his wife.
They've been together 40 years
but when she gardens in her shorts

All Of Us

from the norm
we are.

Larder Bare With People Hungry

It will be a while before Fred's hometown has its annual food drive, he told me. That's an important event because it helps stock the pantry at the small charity where he volunteers. Right now, he said, the larder is practically bare and unemployment is still a big factor in the lives of many where he lives.

Certain times of the year are worse than others, he said, and this is one of those times.

A Comma Is A Pipe Dream

The amount in every paycheck
has a period in it. Those who
get a paycheck every week

A Confrontation Looms

You think he'd be more grateful.
Neither rich nor poor he's
never wanted for anything.

A Red Kettle Crisis

No red kettles and bells
this December outside
the stores at the mall

Confetti Waiting For A Parade

As autumn turns colder
there's only one moth
fluttering at midnight

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