Dorian Petersen Potter Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Angel Of Love

May angels always care for you,
May they keep you standing tall,
May they whisper in your ears words of wisdom,
May they show you what you need to know

Friends And Lovers (Free Verse)

You light up my life in so many ways.
You excite my nights and bring joy to my days,
When we're together everything is perfect,
even when we are apart.

Hope(2) (Rhyming Couplets)

Let's bring hope where there's none
Everything is better when love is shown

Without Hope there are no dreams

Batman And Robin (Limerick)

Batman and Robin hit the joker

But their blow was only a croaker

Love (Anaphora)

Love is God's infinite love.
Love is His love from above.
Love is a child's smile.
Love is to think of loved ones thru the miles.

Severe Weather (Free Verse)

The weather has gotten very nasty
And it's causing a lot of heartache.
It's raining dogs and cats!
And tornadoes are leaving just destruction on their wake

Money (Triolet Sonnet)

Money comes and money goes
And that is the way it is so
Be aware all the time that yes
Money comes and money goes

Still (Chant)

Among all the pain and suffering
Still I'll stand tall and survive it all.

So unfairly mistreated and unloved I may be but

Let Go And Let God (Enclosed Rhyme)

Life is much richer since I know you
What a marvelous God I serve
You give us more than we deserve
You are with us every night and day.

Spread Love (Monchielle)

Spread love in the whole world
You can just feel it within
Love just keeps on giving
Sow seeds of love everywhere

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