Dorian Petersen Potter Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Look Into Self (Sonnetina Rispetto)

You must return to the very start
Just look into your mind and heart
And so you can be born again
Heed my words for I do not lie

Autumn (2) (Lanturne)

Will start
It is near
Is in the air

His Loving Gift (Sestina)

A gift of all his glory
You find it along the way
And in every brand-new day
So much love the eyes can't see

Just Let Go (Nonet)

Just let go and feel love in your heart
Greet each morn with a song of love
God's with you you're not alone
Watch to child face smiling

Another Day (Triolet)

Another morning embraces the day
As I wake and look at the sun
For a good day then to God pray
Another morning embraces the day

Memorial Day, A Day To Remember (Triolet)

Our fallen heroes just honor.
They served us well and gave their all.
Let's never forget, dishonor.
Our fallen heroes just honor.

Christmas Presents (Free Style)

I went to the store the other day
It was a very nice day in every way
So many things I wanted just to buy
As I smiled thinking of everyone...

It Takes A Turn (Free Style)

In front of me the light
Starts to fade out of sight
Whispering so gently and sweet
As it goes setting the night

Memories Come In (Free Style)

Heart's taken such a blow
I've gone through so much
It's has lasted a long time
Thoughts are out of touch

Peter And Alice (A Short Story)

Did you found out what's wrong with Alice?

As a matter of fact, I just did last night, after everybody went to sleep.

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