Dorothy (Alves) Holmes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Before Sunrise

2: 31 a.m. EST
The music channel blasting
Though not enough Frank Sinatra.
Up again so early because that is what

Evening's Calling

Oh, the sunset was magnificent!
I wish you had been here to see
The beauty of its rendering.
Red and gold painted clouds, resting on

Morning - Springs's Calling

7: 02 a.m. EST
Morning opened her eyes and
welcomed spring.

Music The Heart's Harp Sings

A loathsome melody tonight,
Though yesterday it was mellow and
Full, with it's melodious undertones.
We toasted our love to its rapturous melody,

Haiku After Sunrise

sun through lace curtains
fall breeze shakes the pines
a lone squirrel scurries

How I Miss Those Ordinary Things

The call from a friend telling me about
city things like music blaring in some down town
jazz bar...alive with people chair dancing to the beat.
Of course they can't call any more, their time ceased.

Spring's Umbrella Day

wet, dreary comes spring
raining on this her first day
somewhere, it's snowing

Haiku Concert At Day Break

sun through lace curtains
fall breeze shakes the pines
a lone squirrel scurries

Just Before Twilight

dark clouds crowd gray sky
pink horizon paints landscape
wind shakes pines, cedars

Christmas - Christmas

In and out of stores,
opening closed doors
to give a helping hand,
give all you can, is the demand!

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