Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: Think Of Others Too

If only when you wear your shoes, you know,
If it suits you or blisters hurt your feet;
Sit in the chair! Your conduct then will show,
How comfortable or not is your new seat!

The Peacock

A pleasant stroll,
The peacock takes
On its way back,
Each evening.

Sonnet: Virtues Are Best

When patience is misread as one’s weakness,
And honesty as weakness all the more,
Truth emerges triumphant off harness,
And righteousness brings victory to the fore!

Sonnet: Things Can Happen Fast

One move that’s false can cost a man his life;
One mortal sin can deny soul, Heaven;
One vain desire can land a man in strife;
One blunder made can land in jail some man.

Sonnet: The Most Trustworthy Is God

My body you can kill may be, not soul,
And hand it over to my enemies!
You evil men hound me from pole to pole;
God helps me speak and gives me mental peace.

Sonnet: Set The Limit For All Things

When buttermilk has turned just too sour,
Much fermentation has made it unfit;
How can you make it potable, brother?
Just pour it down the drain or any pit!

Sonnet: God Dislikes Sins Not Sinners

The Lord is holy, so He wants all men
To keep their bodies, minds very sacred,
Obey Commandments to enter Heaven,
Perform rituals, whatever He has said.

Sonnet: Rely In God

Like rider lone on horseback in desert,
While vultures scream encircling overhead;
To sun and wind and dusty storms inert,
In quest of hope-filled plains, I ride half-dead!

Sonnet: God Is Our Hope And Succor

No one’s indispensable in this world;
Someone will surely take our place someday!
Retirement comes for good when we are old;
Let sober thoughts not come in our faith’s way.

Sonnet: The Downtrodden Women

Just skeletal figures, white-saree clad!
Wind-carried, frail beings that hardly walk;
They hurry ’cause ’tis late with weather bad;
Their mouths are stiff: ’tis better they don’t talk!

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