Dr John Celes Poems

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Keep your eyes clean without a trace of lust;
Keep your workplace clean without any dust;
Keep your surroundings much tidy and neat;
Keep your body clean, also hands and feet.

Books, Books, Books!

Good books are worth their weight in gold;
Whatever the cost, buy them, if sold;
Their value stays even if old;
A lot of knowledge, they unfold!

One Drop Of Christ's Blood Shed…

One dropp of blood
of Jesus Christ, shed
Frees millions of sinners
Of their life-time sins!

Sonnet: Lasting Peace On Earth

The peace that’s found on earth lasts not for long,
As leaders break their promises often;
The peace that wars bring serves to just prolong
The rivalries, when differences soften.

Sonnet: Life, An Uphill Task For Righteous Souls

How do the righteous live an honest life,
When things around are evil to the core?
How do the honest, battle stress and strife,
When opens not another newer door?

Lenten Reflections 2013 (In Acrostic)

L earn to love God in every way you can
E nter into a divine accord with the Lord
N ourish your mind, heart and soul with piety
T rounce satan and devils for eternity

What’s Life?

Life is to live the best manner one can;
Life is to give love to uncared brethren;
Life is to share our excess with those men
Who have been born ill-fated man, woman!

A Mother Giraffe’s Baby-Kiss!

This is your mother’s kiss, my child!
Don’t you worry: things will be fine;
Just eat and sleep and play awhile.

Sonnet: God’s Love Is Prime

God’s love made earth and gave man a life-span;
God’s love made Eve, Adam and all beasts on earth;
God’s love made plants and everything for man;
God’s love made creatures, giving them their breath.

Sonnet: A Mother’s Greatness

A mother’s heart has love for all children;
Each child she bears and rears in similar way;
She tends to needs like hen to each chicken;
And gets up early, wearied though by day.

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