Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: Big Personalities Get Slain

When Abel was murdered by brother Caine,
A mortal sin got committed- the worst;
And thereafter, men, women have got slain,
The world assassinates good leaders most.

Sonnet- War Is A Waste

When will this world bid farewell to-all arms?
Nay, not in a hundred years next, at least!
'Tis like munition-dumps growing like farms!
To his brethren, Man has become a beast.

Sonnet- God Resets The World

The world prefers malpractice by nature;
What harassments are meted to victims!
Perpetrators go scotfree -the feature;
What arrogance; what fancies and what whims!

Sonnet- The Humbled Shalt Be Exalted

The wheel of time must turn around though slow;
Our palate must be curbed, also our tongue;
Some things we fear, we sometime undergo;
None can remain forever always young.

Sonnet: Man Is Foolish?

How foolish truly man can sometimes be!
Trying to search for life in stellar Space;
When things are there on earth in aplenty;
Man's quest for wealth elsewhere is in fast pace.

Sonnet – Don’t Be

Don't be the fallen leaves, so young and green;
Don't be the buds that never can flower;
Don't be the twigs that always remain lean;
Don't be the flow'rs that dropp with each shower.

Sonnet: My Plea To God

O free me God from shackles that bind me,
Preventing my movements towards Thine way;
The burden on my shoulders is heavy;
The justice which I seek remains at bay.

Sonnet: Excess Is Bad

Oh, how much food can man ingest a day?
When excess spells disease, shortens lifespan!
How much of drink can he consume en way?
When lips are no more parched and thirst leaves man!

Sonnet: Advice

A man anew will soon enter your life!
You got to change your mind and become his
Beloved, better-half and obedient wife;
This is the secret of our earthly bliss.

Sonnet: Our Life On Earth Precedes Heaven

This world is like a boarding-lodging place!
We need it surely for our earthly stay;
But when we leave it for a newer base,
Our earthly days, forget forev’r, we may.

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