Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Genesis: Adam And Eve

God created everything well;
He made Adam who seemed lonely;
So, He put him to sleep one day,
And fashioned Eve, out of his rib.

Life Turns The Tables

Time teaches lessons
Wisdom and experience grows
Prudence and priorities change
Selflessness replaces selfishness

After Retirement, I Want To…

Stop time for some time;
Find time to breathe with ease;
Enjoy the cool breeze;
Sleep in peace and get up late;

Sonnet: When Own, Disown?

A climber creeps and crawls upon the ground;
Its props will not support but fallen down;
It does not know the destination bound;
It grows and lives on still, all on its own!

Daughters (Daughter's Week)

Though daughters are like gentle lambs,
And keep the home, to children tend,
Ferocious they can be at times,
Protecting kids like lioness.

We're Wasters All; We're Mostly Wasters All!

When as a child, we waste much food and drink,
While children world across just starve and die,
How many suffer from food's lack and sink!
We're mostly wasters all; we're wasters all.


Oh, one more Christmas time is on;
Our Savior Jesus will be born;
The baby boy brings joy and peace;
Let human beings live with ease!

Mono-Rhyme Sonnet - A Christmas Wish For Us Prez. Trump

Yes, Trump's triumph will change the Eagle's face,
And make it fitter for the human race!
While being pro-life earn Almighty's grace,
And clear the mist of global cold-war haze.

Sonnet: God, Take Care Of Our Children Please!

We raised our children better than we were!
We loved them, gave them life, we couldn't afford'
They enjoyed luxury and better care;
We reared them as per tradition and Word.

Sonnet: On Marrying One Of Own Choice?

Had I married a spouse of my own choice,
Perhaps, my life may have been much better!
This thought in mind becomes a haunting voice,
Though none can vouch its truth in its letter.

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