Dr John Celes Poems

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On Organ Donation

If you’re brain-dead by accidents:

Your eyes can continue to see
By being placed in one who needs,

Sonnet: The God Of Fairness, Justice And Love

The grace of God allows all lives on earth
More time to each to reach more holiness;
And enjoy life with people dear with mirth,
Experiencing the love of God's Highness.

‘happy Teacher's Day',2014, Dear Teacher...

If I am what I am today,
It is because of you;
If I'm treading the righteous way,
You showed me how to do.


Your wealth as gift you give as prize to some;
Its value is forgotten in due course;
Your life as gift is too priceless to share,
But you can give it for a cause just once!

Easter Poem

Upon the cross, a man was nailed,
Two thousand years ago;
A sinless soul, he took our sins,
And shed his blood all, oh!

The Human Eye

God made the eye-
An extension of brain:
To see the beauty of all things,
He made.

Sonnet: The Summer Rain Will Come Again

The scorching summer sun is at its peak;
The fields are parched and wear just drought-hit looks;
With water-table down, most lips are dry;
The birds have gone away to water seek;

Sonnet- Jesus, The Son Of God

One Word of Thine can heal my wounded heart;
One look divine can work wonders from start;
One Word of Thine can change water to wine;
One touch of Thine can make a Leper fine.

Who Must Take Care Of Old-Aged Parents?

Which child will care for parents when old-aged?
Which child will show compassion and respect?
Which child will find the time to talk kind words?
Which child reciprocates their affection?

Thanksgiving On My Birthday

O thank you mum, for giving birth to me,
Unlike the mothers who abort their babes;
The love and care you showed for me was fine;
You toiled so much to make the man, I am!

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