Dr John Celes Poems

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To My Spouse Valentine

God saw your heart and made me yours;
God knew my heart and made you mine;
God made us two, spouses forev’r;
God wants us to be happy ever.

Valentine’s Day (An Acrostic)

Victory to all hearts at love;
Amazing words of love exchange;
Love fills the air everywhere;
E-mails sent in lovely hues and tones of love;

Vanamika – ‘the Lily Of The Forest’

A pregnant Christian mother
Ran for the forest’s shelter
To save two lives!

Reaffirming Faith In God

God, I know You always love me;
And yet, I sin that keeps You away;
God, I know Your heart’s full of mercy;
And yet, I anger You almost every day!

Gospel (Lk 6: 39-42)

Why note the splinter in your brother’s eye,
And nev’r notice the log within your own?
Why tell, ‘I’ll take the splinter off your eye,
When you can’t see the log in yours? ’

Christmas 2007 Song- 9

On cold, a wintry night,
A baby boy on hay,

On Children

What children need is love and care;
Unfairness, they can never bear;
They fight by calling silly names;
They can devise their own good games.

Japanese Tsunami,2011

The sea has turned angry again!
A strong quake hit the Japanese Isles;
The sea-water has gone over-land,
And caused enormous loss of lives!

Teacher’s Day

Obey your teachers, everyone;
Respect your teachers, everyone;
Remember your teachers, everyone.
Heed to what they teach in class.

My Life On Earth In Retrospection

My pleasant life of yesterday,
When I was just a lad,
Has vanished without trace today,
Which makes me only sad.

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