Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: A Unique Human Being!

Uniquely born am I upon this earth!
Uniquely I perform the task God-giv'n;
Unique are problems for me since my birth;
Unique is road destined to walk and run.

Most Modern Youth

Most youngsters want to stand on their own legs;
They cannot accept what some adults say;
They wish to see the world through their own eyes;
They love to live a life of their own make.

Sonnet: On My Future

I do not change my future on my own;
God has been doing that for me till now;
Amidst my earthly problems, I’m alone;
Nevertheless, I’m safe: I don’t know how?

Sonnet: Euthanasia

Euthanasia or mercy-killing,
Of human beings greatly suffering;
The doctor helping them to die their way,
In a pleasant style, on their chosen day.

Sonnet: On Being A Christian

Like Christ’s, a Christian 's life will have to be;
Like Him, he'll carry crosses all his life;
He'll live amidst a world of treachery;
His love of God gets reinforced by strife.

Life's Purpose

Life is for giving, not taking;
Life is for making, not faking;
Life is for sharing, not stacking;
Life is to see our brethren, smile and laugh.


Christ Jesus with his disciples had gone
With mother Mary to a marriage feast,
As per the gospel written by Saint John;
His mother noted that the wine had ceased!

Happy Smile Day,2013

Start your day by smiling please!
Work your way with smiles along;
Share your wisdom smilingly;
Face your challenges with smiles!

Sonnet: On Gratitude

Develop the attitude of gratitude,
And spread around you cheer in hearts and minds;
Let happiness improve in magnitude,
As confidence and bliss in life rewinds.

Sonnet: (Iambic Hexameter) God's Will Will Be Done

At times, things happen in ways we can't comprehend;
We may not understand many a thing in life;
God does some unique things to which we ought to bend;
He tests our faithfulness by giving newer strife!

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