Dr John Celes Poems

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Limerick: 0n Writing One

I tried to write a good limerick
I know it is some kind of a trick
Each time I start to write
The pen and paper fight

About Successful Marriage

Trust is pivotal for success on earth;
Trust is the basis for marital mirth;
Trust in self and trust in God are a must;
If not the bonds of love can go to dust.

Retirement Is Just Natural

Retirement’s good in life on earth,
And gives you time to think, reset;
And doing things of greater worth
For heart and soul, spirit, I bet.

Thanking God For The New Year 2014

We thank you for the Old Year, Lord,
And let the New Year spread the Word!
Let people love the joy and peace
That Christmas brought, and wars all cease!

Brevity: Cancer By Smoking

Change Your Attitude

Success isn’t wrought by skills alone;
Your frame of mind matters a lot;
Apart from perseverance much,
To put your heart and soul, you got.

Sonnet: Avoid Undue Risks To Life

Our life on earth is loveliest God’s gift;
He gave it freely out of love divine;
God abhors sin that causes great a rift,
Between the seed in fruit and trunk of Vine.

Iwd 2014 – Oh, Let The Better Half Be Better, Man!

Women are called, ‘the weaker sex’!
‘Weaker vessel’, women are called;
Their role in procreation’s clear,
Which can’t be stolen ev’r from Eve.

Colorful Flight Of Fantasy

Colors criss-cross in a chequered way,
And herald a heart of hues today,
Beginning the dawn of a dreamy day,
Reminding revelry of romance with a Fay.

A Poem Is...

A gush of emotions in wordy form
Like rain from sky of mind,
And words juxtaposed in apt places,
Welling like a fountain from the heart.

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