Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: You'Re An Amazing Person!

The day I saw you, you seemed different!
-A monument of patience, you stood great;
-A man of wisdom who looked refulgent,
Of stature, I had never seen till date.

In Utter Hopelessness And Despair...

When things have reached the point of no return;
When life's nadir is reached and you can't climb;
When future looks uncertain gloomy, dark;
When bridge to safety is not tread-worthy;

Advice For Success In Life (Lamp-Lighting Ceremony)

'The lamps are lit,
And you are fit
To serve the sick
And suffering! '

God's Mercy

God's mercy's greater than from human hands;
He shows His mercy on whomev'r He wants;
God hears his servant's prayer, mercy pleas;
The Lord relieves distress through His mercy.

Sonnet: A Good Christian’s Introspection

Why be the fruitless fig-tree by the way,
When Christ has made me branch of His good vine?
The Lord nourishes me with grace each day;
I’m trimmed to grow with better fruits divine!

A Poem On Breast-Feeding Wbw,2013

In space or earth, north, south, east, west,
For every child, breast-milk’s the best!
No formula of milk comes near
the natural human breast-milk dear.

Medicine And Poetry: Is He A Man Or A Robot?

I knew a man of eighty years,
Whose many organs were removed,
Replaced by metal parts and gears –
Bio-prostheses, he looked shrewd:

A Doctor’s Poem For International Nurses Day,2013

Be a nurse, take care of sick;
Life is worth more than money;
Show your love and tender care;
What is sweeter than honey?

A Lost Sheep?

One sheep had left the flock some years ago!
The shepherd did allow this one to go;
It strayed to not a far away meadow;
Nevertheless, it was a blunder, oh!

Sonnet: With Parents Gone…

As long as parents live, the family stays
With harmony 'midst members, weaved by love;
Once they are gone, much shaken turns the base,
As rivalry and fight for wealth starts now!

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