Dr John Celes Poems

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My Favourite Book- The Holy Bible

The book I love foremost –Holy Bible,
My favourite because God speaks
To human beings through prophets, God-men
And tells His ways, His plans for man He made.

St. Anthony Of Padua

A son of noble parents rich
Of Portuguese lineage
His Baptism name Ferdinand
Grew up fifteen of age

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. John (Chapter 11)

A man called Lazarus was ill,
Brother of Mary, Bethany;
This Mary had anointed Lord’s feet
By perfumed oil, dried by her hair!

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Matthew (Chapter 27)

By morning, elders and chief priests
Decided to put Him to death;
They led Him bound and handed Him
Over to Governor Pilate.

Bible In Poetry: Titus 2

Teach according to sound doctrine;
Teach older men to be sound in
Faith, love and immense endurance,
And be worthy of much respect,

Our Lady Of Immaculate Conception!

I searched for a lady
With beauty, not external,
But of the heart,
And I found no one,

Christian Marriage

God made you two as man and wife,
And live as one in earthly life;
The two bodies are now one flesh;
In Jesus Christ, you dwell, refresh.

Our Childhood Reminiscences

But this is how we were when kids;
And this is how most passed childhood;
We dressed and played all kinds of games;
We never knew what risks, life brings.

Nick Fluge, Cliff-Diving In Acapulco

Flies love, swan-like across the sky
From rocky edge- a moment’s try:
With four limbs raised above the head,
And torso seeming, almost dead!

A Frog

There stands upon a leaf,
A tiny frog,
With yellow skin,
And large round eyes,

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